2009- school project
The vessel uncovers the possibilities of existing bio mechanic movement, simultaneously making them more realistic. It consists of two very well elaborated parts, one over and one under the water level. The upper part is a modified glider, combining a kayak and surfboard, evoking a fish with the shape of its back part. The lower part is an elastic sack embraced by silicone arms, reminiscent of the body of a jellyfish or a cephalopod in motion. The silicone arms enable flexible movement, inspired by the opening of an umbrella.
The vessel runs on the energy of the human who steers and simultaneously pumps water in and out of the sack below water level. All this is done simply by moving one’s arms back and forth.
Meduse is a hybrid vessel to a certain degree. Hybrid in the sense of using the potential and energy of various animal species- The human and an unspectacular aquatic animal. Through free association, its shape may also evoke a hybrid combination of the Starck’s squeezer and an umbrella, a webcam and a fish or some vessel from the novel of Jules Verne combined with a traditional Chinese slupper.
The design of this water vehicle was created while exchange program at the Art School in Pforzheim, Germany. The model itself was created for the occasion of the anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.
This project and creation of the model is a matter of heart for me. It was made literally by hand in a home environment, like most models that were created at the time of my studies, when technological conveniences such as 3D printing or CNC milling machines were not yet used for the production of some models. I enjoyed this model with sandpaper in my hand. Through the time I am even happier with it and I love to remember the production process.